
Focused on your child’s health and wellness

Select­ing a pedi­a­tri­cian is essen­tial for a par­en­t’s peace of mind and their child’s health. A pedi­a­tri­cian can mon­i­tor a child’s health and devel­op­ment through rou­tine check­ups and vis­its, address any con­cerns and pro­vide guidance.

South Bend Clin­ic pedi­a­tri­cians ensure that chil­dren reach mile­stones and receive appro­pri­ate vac­cines and treat­ments. Our pedi­a­tri­cians are ded­i­cat­ed to assist­ing chil­dren in heal­ing and stay­ing healthy.

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Hospital Affliations

A Rosie Place (Children's Respite Center)

53131 Quince Road

South Bend, 46628 IN
